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Keti Medarova-Bergstrom
Senior Project Adviser at Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)

Hans-Christian Eberl
Policy Officer at European Commission

Louise Coffineau
Policy Adviser for Environment and Climate at Eurocities
Since September 2019, Louise Coffineau is Policy Adviser for Environment and Climate at Eurocities. She leads Eurocities’ advocacy activities in the fields of climate and environment.
Louise supports the work of the Eurocities Working Group on Waste (including circular economy), the Working Group on Water and the Eurocities Taskforce on Climate Strategy. Louise represents Eurocities in the Urban Agenda Partnership for Circular Economy and in the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. She also coordinates Eurocities’ response to the European Green Deal. Previously, as part of the EU Affairs department of EIT InnoEnergy, Louise was in charge of monitoring, advising and supporting the company and its assets regarding EU legislation in energy, innovation and decarbonisation policies, on top of managing different EU contracts.
Louise provides trainings and courses on EU Affairs and lobbying. Prior to joining EIT InnoEnergy, Louise has worked at the Secretariat General of the European Parliament on the negotiations on the ban of plastic bags and on the GMOs Directive, and at the French Permanent Representation in the legal department. Louise graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) de Lille in European Affairs (2009-2014) and from the College of Europe (2013-2014) in EU Political Studies.

Stephan Schaller
Senior Consultant at Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)

Annerieke Douma
Director of Global Alliances and Cities

Jordi Pascual

Noah Baars
City Analyst at Circle Economy

Frank D’hondt
Secretary General of International Society of City and Regional Planners

Mette Skovgaard (F), Senior Consultant, the Technical and Environmental Administration, is an expert in circular economy and waste management policies with many years of experience from the EEA’s European Topic Centre on Resource and Waste Management, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, consultancies and municipal administration.
Mette is the project coordinator for the Horizon 2020 projects, Circular Construction In Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) and Cities Cooperating for Circular Economy (FORCE), and before that she managed the LIFE+ project Plastic Zero. Mette is also a member of Eurocities’ Working Group on Waste and its Task Force on Circular Economy. Mette has more than 20 years of professional experience within European and Danish waste management, sustainable development and circular economy. Mette holds a master degree in economics.

Dr. Savvas Verdis
Co-director, Executive Masters in Cities at LSE Cities
Savvas Verdis is a Senior Research Fellow at LSE Cities, the Co-director of the Executive Masters in Cities and the founder of Challenge Circles. He has been teaching at LSE for nearly 20 years. Until recently he was Director of Infrastructure Economics at Siemens Cities.
At LSE, he manages the Executive Education programmes, which include: tailored learning experiences for organisations; the Executive Summer School programme on London and Global Cities; and the Executive MSc in Cities.
He previously worked in the advisory service of LSE Cities and led the research of the ninth Urban Age conference in Rio de Janeiro. He has consulted numerous city and national governments on their infrastructure strategies in countries such as Australia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia and Turkey. From 2009 to 2012, he was founder and CEO of Property Analytics, an algorithm-based property rating website that ranked residential properties in London and New York. He received his PhD from Cambridge University in 2007.

Diogo Lorena
Industrial Engineer, Project Coordinator at Lisbon Municipality

Paula Policarpo
Law graduate and President of Dariacordar/zero desperdício – In Portugal
Graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Lisbon. Paula Policarpo carries out her professional activity as lawyer / advisor in the area of public higher education, alongside the exercise of active citizenship linked to causes / associations of citizens and social organizations (holds the G.O.S. / AESE). Paula Policarpo is co-founder of DARiACORDAR and currently is the DARiACORDAR’s President.
Since 2011, Paula coordinates several projects and initiatives regarding the prevention and recovery, recycle and reuse, for avoiding waste in favour of the environment and the economy of society, namely: development of the Strategic and Operational Model of the ZERO DESPERDÍCIO Programme; National and international lectures to present the ZERO DESPERDÍCIO Programme (including on the European Commission as a success case study); Zero Waste Book Collection and Healthy Eating; European Force Project – Cities Cooperating for Circular Economy.

Jonas Åbo Mortensen
Lead on FORCE plastics, City of Copenhagen

Yanik Moldt
Innovation and Project Manager, Stadtreinigung Hamburg
Yanik Moldt holds a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University Berlin.
His research focuses on waste management and circular economy as well as on sustainable engineering.
Since August 2018, Yanik works as Project Manager and Work Package Leader in the Horizon 2020 Project “FORCE: Cities Engaging for Circular Economy”. Before joining SRH, Yanik worked for the German dual system Reclay Group in Cologne and focussed on consulting services in the field of eco-design and recyclability of packaging.
In cooperation with Reclay he prepared his master thesis with the objective to investigate and compare strategies for dual systems to comply with the new packaging law entering into force in 2019.
Furthermore, Yanik worked as an assistant in an international cooperation project by GIZ between the German and Dominican Government with the aim to develop climate compatible development strategies in the waste and cement sector

Ute Müller
Managing director at Consist ITU Environmental Software GmbH
Consist ITU Environmental Software GmbH – Consist ITU for short – specializes in Europe-wide IT solutions for waste management. As certified degreed engineer for environmental engineering, specialism waste management, Ute Müller is negotiating between the technical, environmental demands and their representation in IT systems. Knowing the business processes is the most important step to a truly usable application. For more than 30 years, she and her team have been successfully implementing IT projects in the waste management sector for government agencies and companies.
In FORCE Consist ITU developed the platform www.CYCEL.de by using Big Data technology.

Heiko Arnold
Chief Operating Officer at Aurubis
Dr. Arnold earned his doctorate in chemistry at the Technical University of Darmstadt. After completing his studies in 1995, he started his career as a research chemist at BASF in Ludwigshafen.
He held management positions at international sites there, most recently as Vice President Operations, Technology and Investment Intermediates for the East Asia Headquarters of BASF in Hong Kong. In this function, he was responsible for 11 production plants and five Asian joint venture partners.
Prior to being appointed to the Aurubis AG Executive Board, he served as Chief Technology Officer at the Austrian company Lenzing AG and oversaw the technical functions and functional management of the company’s production sites.
Dr. Arnold was appointed Chief Operations Officer of Aurubis AG effective August 15, 2020.

Laura Robert
Environmental Manager, Aurubis
Laura Robert earned her master’s degree in Georesources Management with a specialization in environmental management at the RWTH Aachen University. Her master’s thesis investigated increasing resource efficiency and environmental protection for the recycling of small electronic household appliances.
Laura Robert has been working as CLP and REACH coordinator and environmental manager in the department of Corporate Environmental Protection at Aurubis since April 2018. Her responsibilities include a group wide harmonization of environmental KPIs, the coordination of external verification as well as environmental reporting. In her function as CLP and REACH coordinator, Laura Robert represents the company in working groups at the national and international level.
Moreover, Laura Robert is project manager of the EU project FORCE (HORIZON 2020) at Aurubis since 2018.

Stefania Manca
Coordinator of Climate Adaptation Partnerships, City of Genova

Ilaria Marzoli
A degree in Industrial Chemistry, she has a Master in environmental and monitoring analysis.
She spent most of her career in Amiu, provider of waste management and circular economy services of the City of Genoa (Italy), in the information and communication dept., integrating technical environmental and communication skills.
From 2013 until 2017 she has been in charge of the Eu funded projects Area, managing projects in which Amiu is partner or stakeholder. In 2015, according to the new industrial plan, the Eu projects were incorporated in Amiu Smart Lab, the newly created unit for R&D and eco-innovation projects.
She has been also member of the internaldevelopment team of the new municipal waste collection plan on a participatory base.
From 2017 until 2020 she worked in the Lanfill management Area contributing with her technical skills, before joining recently AMIU’s Energy Management team.

Professor for urban planning and regional development
Scientific career
12.2008 – 03.2009
Directeur de Recherche, Institut d’Etudes Avancees, Paris: Metropolitan Governance Grand Paris / Region Ile de France
Open University of Hagen, further education “Modernisierung des Staates” (certificate)
University of Hanover, Department of Architecture: Promotion
Supervising tutor: Prof. Dr. Heinar Henckel / Prof. Dr. Dietrich Fürst
Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Michigan
10.1989 – 03.1993
University of Hanover, course of studies “Politikwissenschaften/ Soziologie”, degree: M.A.
Stay abroads in Great Britain, France and Belgium
09.1989 – 10.1989
Guest studies Technical University of Dresden (scholarship DAAD)
10.1985 – 09.1986
University of Tübingen, “Funkkolleg” in Political Sciences
10.1984 – 07.1992
University of Hanover, City- and Regional Planning, course of studies “Landschafts- und Freiraumplanung”, degree: Dipl.-Ing.
12.2008 – 03.2009
Directeur de Recherche, Institut d’Etudes Avancees, Paris: Metropolitan Governance Grand Paris / Region Ile de France
Open University of Hagen, further education “Modernisierung des Staates” (certificate)
University of Hanover, Department of Architecture: Promotion
Supervising tutor: Prof. Dr. Heinar Henckel / Prof. Dr. Dietrich Fürst
Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Michigan
10.1989 – 03.1993
University of Hanover, course of studies “Politikwissenschaften/ Soziologie”, degree: M.A.
Stay abroads in Great Britain, France and Belgium
09.1989 – 10.1989
Guest studies Technical University of Dresden (scholarship DAAD)
10.1985 – 09.1986
University of Tübingen, “Funkkolleg” in Political Sciences
10.1984 – 07.1992
University of Hanover, City- and Regional Planning, course of studies “Landschafts- und Freiraumplanung”, degree: Dipl.-Ing.
Additional expertise for Q&A sessions

Irini Angelidakis
Professor, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, DTU, Technical University of Copenhagen

Thomas Jacob
Internatinal Projects, Senate Chancellery, State Office, City of Hamburg
Hamburg (Senate Chancellery) holds an engineering degree in Urban Development with an extensive knowledge in regional and economic aspects of urban development and functional demands of administrations when implementing new international projects and concepts. Since years he fosters international relations. Years of experience have made him an expert in implementing national, EU (Interreg, FP7, H2020) and further international projects that involve a wide range of partners from other countries as well as in cross-departmental coordination and collaboration in several fields. Consequently, he supports cities in aggregating professional contents into political decision formats; both activities are his central role in all projects. He was also appointed as Hamburg’s “City Science Officer” for knowledge transfer in collaboration with the EU-COM (JRC) – Joint Research Centre (GD R&I).
In FORCE he played a central role in the Hamburg government to structure and apply project activities, link to relevant stakeholders and create new local, regional and international relations.

Anne-Mette Bendsen
Senior Advisor, City of Copenhagen

Britta Peters
Project Manager, City of Copenhagen
Britta Peters (female) holds a Master of Science in European Urbanism from Bauhaus University and a Dipl. Ing. (FH) in Architecture from Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, major: urban planning and urban renewal. Since mid-2017, Britta works in SRH’s innovation unit, whose section head she is since March 2019 and is amongst others responsible for the Horizon 2020 projects “REPAiR: Resource Management in Peri-Urban Areas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism” and “FORCE: Cities cooperating for Circular Economy”. Britta’s other responsibilities at SRH include international knowledge transfer, energy efficiency and the establishment of a structured innovation management system. Before joining SRH, Britta worked as Human Settlements Officer for the United Nations Human Settlements Programm (UN-Habitat) and as Urban Planning Advisor for the German Development Service (DED, today part of GIZ) and was responsible for managing several urban development projects in the field of solid waste management, urban planning, job creation and vocational training, land management, infrastructure development and place making. Citizen mobilisation, awareness raising, capacity building and participatory planning processes have been always an integral part of her work, which centres around cities and urban neighbourhoods.

Donald Alimi
Research Associate, Urban Planning and Regional Development, HafenCity University Hamburg
Donald Alimi (MSc) is Research Associate at the department of Urban Planning and Regional Development at HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU-UPRD). He graduated in urban planning with a major focus on sustainability concepts and policy-making at the Polytechnic University of Milan. His interests and research focus are on the governance of climate change mitigation and circular economy as part of different European projects at the HCU-UPRD. As part of the FORCE project, he has been the lead of WP7 “Governance and Decision-Support” since 2018.

Ivonne Stresius
Project Manager, Susatinability and Climate Change Management, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Ivonne Stresius is a state certified food chemist and an environmental engineer. For many years she has worked as a scientist, project manager and lecturer in international research for environmental quality and sustainability at different universities and as a consultant for water quality and environmental protection. Her current work at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg includes coordination and management of projects about circular economy and water management. In the FORCE project she was responsible for a cross cutting work package about exploitation and dissemination of the project results.

Giovani Ferrando
Head of Waste and Environment Remediation, City of Genoa
Degree in Environmental Engineering at Genoa University, Specialization in Environmental Engineering. Expert waste management, separate waste collection patterns, public environmental services. Employed by the Municipality of Genoa since 1999, appointed to environmental department. In charge of developing plans of reduction of waste production, agenda for the implementation of separate collection, georeferencing of illegal dumping (Gedi @ b project) and related restoration and management interventions assignments pursuant to the Law and subsequent amendments, drafting provisions pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments. Also, involved as technical support for environmental topics in European projects related to energy and waste management.

Birte Thomsen
Project Manager, City of Copenhagen
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